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What Are Semiconductors Used For? Uses & Examples

the most commonly used semiconductor is

When a doped semiconductor contains excess holes, it is called a p-type semiconductor (p for positive electric charge); when it contains excess free electrons, it is called an n-type semiconductor (n for a negative electric charge). The manufacture of semiconductors controls precisely the location and concentration of p- and n-type dopants. Some wider-bandgap semiconductor materials are sometimes referred to as semi-insulators. When undoped, these have electrical conductivity nearer to that of electrical insulators, however they can be doped (making them as useful as semiconductors). Semi-insulators find niche applications in micro-electronics, such as substrates for HEMT. An example of a common semi-insulator is gallium arsenide.[22] Some materials, such as titanium dioxide, can even be used as insulating materials for some applications, while being treated as wide-gap semiconductors for other applications.

The Many Applications of Semiconductors

From these hubs, chips might be sent to original equipment manufacturers in trays or be boxed for retail sale.

Early transistors

Semiconductor materials are an essential component of electronic devices, making them vital for almost all major industries. Semiconductor materials have specific characteristics related to electrical conductivity. The future of semiconductors depends on whether new materials with these characteristics can be mass produced at a cost similar to that of silicon.


  1. This includes advancements in microchip technology to enhance processing power and energy efficiency, which are critical for supporting sophisticated mobile applications.
  2. This is done repeatedly using a different mask for each layer of transistors and wire connections.
  3. Aside from investing in individual companies, there are several ways to monitor the investment performance of the overall sector.

The electrons in any one piece of the crystal would migrate about due to nearby charges. Electrons in the emitters, or the “holes” in the collectors, would cluster at the surface of the crystal where they could find their opposite charge “floating around” in the air (or water). Yet they could be pushed away from the surface with the application of a small amount of charge from any other location on the crystal. Instead of needing a large supply of injected electrons, a very small number in the right place on the crystal would accomplish the same thing. Technicians wear bunny suits and use high-tech equipment in clean rooms to create layers of circuits and devices on silicon wafers. From here, the fab sends the finished wafers to die/sort prep facilities.

The coronavirus pandemic disrupted supply chains and now politics is doing the same – TSMC is currently caught up in the so-called “chip wars” between the US and China. The government has announced a new panel to steer the UK’s semiconductor industry, which it describes as “vitally important for the modern world we live in”. China’s stranglehold on REE production allows it to not only set prices but also wield the valuable semiconductor material as a political weapon. In 2010 China cut off all sales of REEs to Japan due to a dispute over Japan’s detention of a Chinese fishing captain. Whether China will choose to use REE exports during the ongoing US-Sino trade war is a concern. Extraction, purification, and crystallization processes for silicon are both efficient and economical.

the most commonly used semiconductor is

Semiconductor applications

They have a wide range of current- and voltage-handling capabilities and, more important, lend themselves to integration into complex but readily manufacturable microelectronic circuits. They are, and will be in the foreseeable future, the key elements for the majority of electronic systems, serving communications, signal processing, computing, and the most commonly used semiconductor is control applications in both the consumer and industrial markets. The semiconductor materials described here are single crystals; i.e., the atoms are arranged in a three-dimensional periodic fashion. Part A of the figure shows a simplified two-dimensional representation of an intrinsic (pure) silicon crystal that contains negligible impurities. Each silicon atom in the crystal is surrounded by four of its nearest neighbours.

Eventually the wafer will be imprinted with hundreds, or even thousands, of tiny individual chips. At the same time, it doesn’t make sense to speak of the “chip cycle” as if it were an event of singular nature. While semiconductors are still a commodity business at heart, its end markets are so numerous—computers, communications infrastructure, automotive, consumer products, etc.— that it is unlikely that excess capacity in one area will bring the whole house down.

On a whim, Russell Ohl of Bell Laboratories decided to try a cat’s whisker. By this point, they had not been in use for a number of years, and no one at the labs had one. After hunting one down at a used radio store in Manhattan, he found that it worked much better than tube-based systems. Transistors used for analog circuits do not act as on-off switches; rather, they respond to a continuous range of inputs with a continuous range of outputs.

The most common semiconductor device in the world is the MOSFET (metal–oxide–semiconductor field-effect transistor),[1] also called the MOS transistor. As small as a fingernail, semiconductors are arguably the most complex products ever manufactured. A common chip is only about 1 millimeter thick and contains roughly 30 different layers of components and wires called interconnects that make up its complex circuitry. Billions of microscopic switches called transistors make semiconductors work. A semiconductor essentially functions as a hybrid of a conductor and an insulator.

Let’s take a closer look at what semiconductors are and why they are so important. The difficulty of extracting REEs from raw materials has led many mining companies to choose not to pursue REE profits. China is one of the few nations to focus on REE mining and refining, resulting in the nation producing 85 percent of the world’s supply of tungsten and molybdenum.

The most used semiconductor materials are silicon, germanium, and gallium arsenide. Of the three, germanium was one of the earliest semiconductor materials used. Germanium has four valence electrons, which are electrons located on the outer shell of the atom. To understand the changing nature of semiconductor manufacturing, it’s necessary to understand existing semiconductor materials and how their makeup affects electronic devices.

Chip production now resembles a gourmet restaurant kitchen, where chefs line up to add just the right spice to the mix. “System on a Chip” is essentially all about the creation of an integrated circuit chip with an entire system’s capability on it. The market revolves around the growing demand for consumer products that combine new features and lower prices. With the doors to the memory, microprocessor, and commodity integrated circuit markets tightly shut, the SOC segment is arguably the only one left with enough opportunity to attract a wide range of companies. Sometimes called “standard chips”, these are produced in huge batches for routine processing purposes. Dominated by very large Asian chip manufacturers, this segment offers razor-thin profit margins that only the biggest semiconductor companies can compete for.

Power integrated circuits combine IC technology with power semiconductor technology, these are sometimes referred to as “smart” power devices. Silicon behavior can be nudged toward conductivity through a process called doping. The impurities add “donor atoms” to the base material, encouraging conductivity. The amount of impurities added to semiconductor materials is minuscule—as little as one donor atom per ten million semiconductor atoms—but sufficient enough to allow electrical conductivity. The crystal had cracked because either side contained very slightly different amounts of the impurities Ohl could not remove – about 0.2%. One side of the crystal had impurities that added extra electrons (the carriers of electric current) and made it a “conductor”.

These are central processing units that contain the basic logic to perform tasks. Intel’s domination of the microprocessor segment has forced nearly every other competitor, with the exception of Advanced Micro Devices, out of the mainstream market and into smaller niches or different segments altogether. Memory chips, on the other hand, store information and come in two types – NAND Flash, and ‘working memory’ chips known as DRAM. The government said the panel of experts would advise on ways to boost the UK’s semiconductor sector and strengthen the resilience of the industry’s supply chain – which faces increased tensions on the global stage. “One of many examples is modern vehicles with electronic control systems, remote car keys to unlock the car, anti-lock braking systems and rear-view cameras.” It allows them to be used as electronic switches, speaking the binary language of 1s and 0s that underpins computing processing.

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